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Bang on William! Great blog, great information and another great read!

"The legacy news is full of “a threat to democracy” headlines. Most of the time this simply means they are scared the other side will win and they will not be in control. The real threat to democracy is the inability to have a private conversation about a wide range of subjects, especially when we disagree with the government." - This is absolutely spot on and unfortunately sums up our country and world perfectly. You can't have a voice unless that voice agrees with our views, opinions, misinformation, and what we tell you what is real, who to hate, etc. Just keep fighting amongst yourselves to keep the focus off of what the government, big tech, big pharma, and the food industry (Oh yes, the food industry is a huge player in this too!). If you didn't know about the food industries involvement and want to know more, I highly recommend watching the Tucker Carlson interview with Casey & Calley Means. In fact, go watch it right now! Here is the link:


Sorry for the long comment/rant but this blog post fired me up because you say everything exactly how it is. Unfortunately we live in a very dark place and we need to push back!

Great highlight on Oliver Anthony and his 1 year anniversary post/rant, it is a great speech!

Keep up the great work William!


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